Truck Talks©
Jim’s Blog

Just and Right (2 Samuel 15:1-12)
2nd Samuel 8:15 says that David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for ALL his people. Let's choose the path of David. Let's pursue justice for all our countrymen.

Keep Your Head Up (2 Samuel 16:1-14)
Happy Father's day to all you awesome dads out there. Be bold, be strong, stand for what is right and just. God will lift your head.

When You See His Kingdom (2 Samuel 14)
When you see Jesus' kingdom, you see Jesus. When you see Jesus, you see and opportunity for peace. Jesus said that the peace makers are blessed and called the children of God. Let's be the children of God.

Stay In Your Lane (2 Samuel 13)
When you look at the life of David, in many respects, it’s difficult not to admire him, or perhaps even envy him…but he had deep flaws just like every other human. Let’s take a look at what that means this week!